1 /* JJT: 0.2.2 */ 2 3 package mobisnap.mobile_trx; 4 5 /*** 6 * Implements relational expression 7 */ 8 public class ASTPlSqlRelationalExpression extends mobisnap.mobile_trx.SimpleNode { 9 public ASTPlSqlSimpleExpression first; 10 public byte type = 0; 11 public Object v1, v2; 12 13 14 public ASTPlSqlRelationalExpression(int id) { 15 super(id); 16 } 17 18 public ASTPlSqlRelationalExpression( MobisnapSQL p, int i) { 19 super( p, i); 20 id = i; 21 } 22 23 /*** Accept the visitor. **/ 24 public Object jjtAccept(MobisnapSQLVisitor visitor, Object data) { 25 return visitor.visit(this, data); 26 } 27 28 /*** 29 * Returns the value of the expression 30 * 31 * @param msql_type Specifies which type of processing should be performed 32 * MobisnapConstants.MSQL_SERVER = 1 33 * MobisnapConstants.MSQL_TENTATIVE_CLIENT = 2 34 * MobisnapConstants.MSQL_STABLE_CLIENT = 3 35 * MobisnapConstants.MSQL_RESERVATION_CLIENT = 4 36 * @param cond True if reservations associated iwth transaction should be 37 * propagated to the current transaction 38 */ 39 public Object value( int msql_type, boolean cond) throws Exception { 40 switch( type) { 41 case 0: 42 return first.value( msql_type, cond); 43 case 1: 44 ASTRelop op = (ASTRelop)v1; 45 switch( op.type) { 46 case ASTRelop.OP_EQUAL: 47 return MSQLTypeUtil.equal( first.value( msql_type, cond), ((ASTPlSqlSimpleExpression)v2).value( msql_type, cond)); 48 case ASTRelop.OP_NOTEQUAL: 49 return MSQLTypeUtil.notEqual( first.value( msql_type, cond), ((ASTPlSqlSimpleExpression)v2).value( msql_type, cond)); 50 /* case ASTRelop.OP_CARDINAL: 51 return MSQLTypeUtil.cardinal( first.value( msql_type, cond), ((ASTPlSqlSimpleExpression)v2).value( msql_type, cond)); 52 */ case ASTRelop.OP_MOREORLESS: 53 return MSQLTypeUtil.moreOrLess( first.value( msql_type, cond), ((ASTPlSqlSimpleExpression)v2).value( msql_type, cond)); 54 case ASTRelop.OP_MORE: 55 return MSQLTypeUtil.more( first.value( msql_type, cond), ((ASTPlSqlSimpleExpression)v2).value( msql_type, cond)); 56 case ASTRelop.OP_MOREEQUAL: 57 return MSQLTypeUtil.moreEqual( first.value( msql_type, cond), ((ASTPlSqlSimpleExpression)v2).value( msql_type, cond)); 58 case ASTRelop.OP_LESS: 59 return MSQLTypeUtil.less( first.value( msql_type, cond), ((ASTPlSqlSimpleExpression)v2).value( msql_type, cond)); 60 case ASTRelop.OP_LESSEQUAL: 61 return MSQLTypeUtil.lessEqual( first.value( msql_type, cond), ((ASTPlSqlSimpleExpression)v2).value( msql_type, cond)); 62 default: 63 throw new mobisnap.MobisnapException( "Internal error 1 in relational expression"); 64 } 65 default: 66 throw new mobisnap.MobisnapException( "Internal error 2 in relational expression"); 67 } 68 } 69 70 71 }

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