1 /* JJT: 0.2.2 */
3 package mobisnap.mobile_trx;
5 import java.util.*;
7 /***
8 * Implements multiplicative expression
9 */
10 public class ASTSQLMultiplicativeExpression extends mobisnap.mobile_trx.SimpleNode {
11 public static final byte OP_MULTI = 0;
12 public static final byte OP_DIVI = 1;
14 public SimpleNode first;
15 public Vector ands;
17 public ASTSQLMultiplicativeExpression(int id) {
18 super(id);
19 ands = new Vector();
20 }
22 public ASTSQLMultiplicativeExpression( MobisnapSQL p, int i) {
23 super( p, i);
24 id = i;
25 ands = new Vector();
26 }
28 /*** Accept the visitor. **/
29 public Object jjtAccept(MobisnapSQLVisitor visitor, Object data) {
30 return visitor.visit(this, data);
31 }
33 public class term {
34 public byte opType;
35 public SimpleNode expr;
37 public term( byte opType, ASTSQLExpotentExpression expr) {
38 this.opType = opType;
39 this.expr = expr;
40 }
41 };
43 public void insert( byte opType, ASTSQLExpotentExpression expr) {
44 ands.addElement( new term( opType, expr));
45 }
47 /***
48 * Returns the value of the expression
49 *
50 * @param msql_type Specifies which type of processing should be performed
51 * MobisnapConstants.MSQL_SERVER = 1
52 * MobisnapConstants.MSQL_TENTATIVE_CLIENT = 2
53 * MobisnapConstants.MSQL_STABLE_CLIENT = 3
54 * MobisnapConstants.MSQL_RESERVATION_CLIENT = 4
55 * MobisnapConstants.MSQL_STATIC = 10
56 * @param cond True if reservations associated iwth transaction should be
57 * propagated to the current transaction
58 */
59 public Object value( int msql_type, boolean cond) throws Exception {
60 Object val = first.value( msql_type, cond);
61 for( int i = 0; i < ands.size(); i++) {
62 term t = (term)ands.elementAt( i);
63 if( t.opType == OP_MULTI)
64 val = MSQLTypeUtil.multiply( val, t.expr.value( msql_type, cond));
65 else
66 val = MSQLTypeUtil.divide( val, t.expr.value( msql_type, cond));
67 }
68 return val;
69 }
71 /***
72 * Returns a simplified node, if possible (usefull in expressions)
73 *
74 * @param msql_type Specifies which type of processing should be performed
75 * MobisnapConstants.MSQL_SERVER = 1
76 * MobisnapConstants.MSQL_TENTATIVE_CLIENT = 2
77 * MobisnapConstants.MSQL_STABLE_CLIENT = 3
78 * MobisnapConstants.MSQL_RESERVATION_CLIENT = 4
79 * MobisnapConstants.MSQL_STATIC = 10
80 * @param cond True if reservations associated iwth transaction should be
81 * propagated to the current transaction
82 */
83 public SimpleNode simplify( int msql_type, boolean cond) {
84 first = (SimpleNode)first.simplify( msql_type, cond);
85 for( int i = 0; i < ands.size(); i++) {
86 term t = (term)ands.elementAt(i);
87 t.expr = t.expr.simplify( msql_type, cond);
88 }
89 if( ands.size() == 0)
90 return first;
91 try {
92 return new SimpleNodeValue( value( msql_type, cond));
93 } catch( Exception e) {
94 return this;
95 }
96 }
97 }
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