1 package mobisnap.mobile_trx;
3 public class RelopCondition
4 extends ColumnCondition
5 implements java.io.Serializable
6 {
7 public static final int OP_EQUAL = 1;
8 public static final int OP_NOTEQUAL = 2;
9 public static final int OP_CARDINAL = 3;
10 public static final int OP_MOREORLESS = 4;
11 public static final int OP_MORE = 5;
12 public static final int OP_MOREEQUAL = 6;
13 public static final int OP_LESS = 7;
14 public static final int OP_LESSEQUAL = 8;
16 String columnName;
17 int relop;
18 Object value;
20 public RelopCondition( String columnName, int relop, Object value) {
21 this.columnName = columnName.trim();
22 this.relop = relop;
23 this.value = value;
24 }
26 /***
27 * Returns true if this condition is the same that is represented by the
28 * given node
29 */
30 public boolean sameCondition( SimpleNode node) {
31 if( node instanceof ASTSQLRelationalExpression) {
32 ASTSQLRelationalExpression expr = (ASTSQLRelationalExpression)node;
33 if( expr.firstprior || expr.secondprior || expr.type != 1 ||
34 expr.secondquery)
35 return false;
36 if ( ((ASTRelop)expr.v1).type != ASTRelop.OP_EQUAL )
37 return belongsTo( new RelopCondition( expr.first.toString( mobisnap.MobisnapConstants.MSQL_SERVER).trim() , ((ASTRelop)expr.v1).type, ((SimpleNode)expr.v2).toString( mobisnap.MobisnapConstants.MSQL_SERVER). trim() ));
39 Object obj1 = null;
40 Object obj2 = null;
42 try {
43 obj1 = expr.first.value( mobisnap.MobisnapConstants.MSQL_SERVER, false);
44 } catch( Exception e) {
45 obj1 = expr.first.toString( mobisnap.MobisnapConstants.MSQL_SERVER). trim();
46 }
47 try {
48 obj2 = ((SimpleNode)expr.v2).value( mobisnap.MobisnapConstants.MSQL_SERVER, false);
49 } catch( Exception e) {
50 obj2 = ((SimpleNode)expr.v2).toString( mobisnap.MobisnapConstants.MSQL_SERVER). trim();
51 }
52 if( obj1 instanceof String && obj2 instanceof String) {
53 if( columnName.equals( ((String)obj1).trim()))
54 obj1 = obj2;
55 else if( ! columnName.equals( ((String)obj2).trim()))
56 return false;
57 } else if( obj1 instanceof String) {
58 if( columnName.equals( ((String)obj1).trim()))
59 obj1 = obj2;
60 else
61 return false;
62 } else if( obj2 instanceof String) {
63 if( ! columnName.equals( ((String)obj2).trim()))
64 return false;
65 }
67 try {
68 Object obj = MSQLTypeUtil.equal( obj1, value);
69 if( obj instanceof Boolean) {
70 return ((Boolean)obj).booleanValue();
71 }
72 } catch( Exception e) {
73 return false;
74 }
75 return false;
76 } else
77 return false;
78 }
80 /***
81 * Returns true if this condition intersected with the given node equals
82 * the given condition, resulting int the fact that the given node "belongs" to this condition
83 */
84 public boolean belongsTo( RelopCondition cond) {
86 if (!cond.columnName.equals(columnName))
87 return false;
89 if ( cond.relop == OP_EQUAL && relop == OP_EQUAL) {
90 try {
91 Object obj = MSQLTypeUtil.equal( cond.value, value);
92 if( obj instanceof Boolean) {
93 return ((Boolean)obj).booleanValue();
94 }
95 } catch( Exception e) {
96 return false;
97 }
98 }
100 if ( ( cond.relop == OP_MORE || cond.relop == OP_MOREEQUAL ) && ( relop == OP_MORE || relop == OP_MOREEQUAL || relop == OP_EQUAL) ) {
101 try {
102 Object obj = MSQLTypeUtil.moreEqual( value, cond.value);
103 if( obj instanceof Boolean) {
104 return ((Boolean)obj).booleanValue();
105 }
106 } catch( Exception e) {
107 return false;
108 }
109 }
111 if ( ( cond.relop == OP_LESS || cond.relop == OP_LESSEQUAL ) && ( relop == OP_LESS || relop == OP_LESSEQUAL || relop == OP_EQUAL) ) {
112 try {
113 Object obj = MSQLTypeUtil.lessEqual( value, cond.value);
114 if( obj instanceof Boolean) {
115 return ((Boolean)obj).booleanValue();
116 }
117 } catch( Exception e) {
118 return false;
119 }
120 }
121 return false;
122 }
124 public void sourceCode( StringBuffer buffer) {
125 buffer.append( columnName);
126 switch( relop) {
127 case OP_EQUAL:
128 buffer.append( " = ");
129 break;
130 case OP_NOTEQUAL:
131 buffer.append( " != ");
132 break;
133 case OP_CARDINAL:
134 buffer.append( " # ");
135 break;
137 buffer.append( " <> ");
138 break;
139 case OP_MORE:
140 buffer.append( " > ");
141 break;
142 case OP_MOREEQUAL:
143 buffer.append( " >= ");
144 break;
145 case OP_LESS:
146 buffer.append( " < ");
147 break;
148 case OP_LESSEQUAL:
149 buffer.append( " <= ");
150 break;
151 }
152 buffer.append( MSQLTypeUtil.value2String( value));
153 }
155 public String toString() {
156 StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
157 sourceCode( buffer);
158 return buffer.toString();
159 }
160 }
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