1 /* 2 * Replica is published under the terms 3 * of the Apache Software License. 4 */ 5 package replica.group.jgroups; 6 7 import java.io.Serializable; 8 import java.util.Iterator; 9 import java.util.List; 10 import java.util.Vector; 11 import java.util.logging.Logger; 12 13 import org.jgroups.Channel; 14 import org.jgroups.ChannelClosedException; 15 import org.jgroups.ChannelException; 16 import org.jgroups.ChannelFactory; 17 import org.jgroups.ChannelNotConnectedException; 18 import org.jgroups.MembershipListener; 19 import org.jgroups.Message; 20 import org.jgroups.MessageListener; 21 import org.jgroups.View; 22 import org.jgroups.blocks.PullPushAdapter; 23 import org.jgroups.stack.IpAddress; 24 25 import replica.group.Address; 26 import replica.group.CommunicationException; 27 import replica.group.GroupManager; 28 import replica.group.event.GroupListener; 29 import replica.group.event.MessageEvent; 30 import replica.group.event.SuspectEvent; 31 import replica.group.event.ViewEvent; 32 33 /*** 34 * Implementation of a group communications services provider using the 35 * jgroups.org code. 36 * 37 * @author Pedro Costa 38 * @author Helder Silva 39 * @since 19/Jan/2004 40 */ 41 public class JGroupsGroupManager implements GroupManager { 42 43 static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(JGroupsGroupManager.class.getName()); 44 45 String groupName; 46 ChannelFactory channelFactory; 47 String channelProperties; 48 Channel channel; 49 50 List groupListeneres = new Vector(); 51 52 PullPushAdapter block; 53 54 /*** 55 * Default constructor. 56 */ 57 public JGroupsGroupManager() { 58 super(); 59 } 60 61 /*** 62 * Adds a new listener for Group Events. 63 * @see replica.group.GroupManager#addListener(replica.group.event.GroupListener) 64 */ 65 public void addListener(GroupListener listener) { 66 logger.fine("Adding new GroupListener."); 67 68 groupListeneres.add( listener ); 69 } 70 71 /*** 72 * Return the name of the group under management. 73 * 74 * @see replica.group.GroupManager#getGroupName() 75 */ 76 public String getGroupName() { 77 return groupName; 78 } 79 80 /*** 81 * Return a list of the current group members addresses. 82 * 83 * @see replica.group.GroupManager#getGroupView() 84 */ 85 public List getGroupView() { 86 87 if( getChannel() == null ) 88 throw new IllegalStateException("You are not connected to any group."); 89 90 View view = getChannel().getView(); 91 92 return convertViewListFromJGroups( view ); 93 } 94 95 /*** 96 * Return the local address 97 * 98 * @see {@link GroupManager#getLocalManager()} 99 */ 100 public Address getLocalAddress(){ 101 return convertJGroupsIpAddressToIpAddress( (IpAddress)getChannel().getLocalAddress() ); 102 } 103 104 /*** 105 * Convert a JGroups View into a non specific implementation view. 106 * 107 */ 108 protected List convertViewListFromJGroups(View view) { 109 110 List res = new Vector(); 111 112 if( view == null ) 113 return res; 114 115 List jgroupsList = view.getMembers(); 116 117 for (Iterator iter = jgroupsList.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { 118 replica.group.IpAddress addr = 119 convertJGroupsIpAddressToIpAddress( (IpAddress)iter.next() ); 120 121 res.add(addr); 122 } 123 124 return res; 125 } 126 127 /*** 128 * Join a group. You must set the channel and the group name before 129 * calling this method. 130 * 131 * @see replica.group.GroupManager#joinGroup() 132 * @throws IllegalStateException if the channel is null or the group name 133 * was not set. 134 * @throws CommunicationException if there is a problem connecting to the 135 * channel. You can look on the root cause of this exception 136 * for further information. 137 */ 138 public void joinGroup() { 139 140 if( getChannel() == null || getGroupName() == null ) 141 throw new IllegalStateException( 142 "You must set the channel and the group name before trying to join." 143 ); 144 145 if( getChannel().isConnected() ) 146 getChannel().disconnect(); 147 try{ 148 getChannel().connect( getGroupName() ); 149 } 150 catch(ChannelClosedException e){ 151 throw new CommunicationException("The channel was closed. Look on the root"+ 152 "cause for more information.", e); 153 } 154 catch(ChannelException e){ 155 throw new CommunicationException("Problem connecting to channel. Look on the"+ 156 " root cause for more information.", e); 157 } 158 159 block = new PullPushAdapter( getChannel() ); 160 161 block.setListener( new MyMessageListener() ); 162 163 block.addMembershipListener( new MyMembershipListener() ); 164 165 block.start(); 166 167 logger.info("Joined group [" + getGroupName() + "]. Local address [" + getChannel().getLocalAddress() 168 + "]. View: {"+getChannel().getView()+"}."); 169 } 170 171 /*** 172 * Leave a group. 173 * 174 * @see replica.group.GroupManager#leaveGroup() 175 */ 176 public void leaveGroup() { 177 178 if( getChannel() != null && getChannel().isConnected() ) 179 getChannel().disconnect(); 180 181 logger.info("Leaved group [" + getGroupName() + "]."); 182 } 183 184 /*** 185 * @see replica.group.GroupManager#sendMessage(replica.group.Address, java.lang.Object) 186 */ 187 public void sendMessage(Address rAddr, Object message) { 188 189 if( getChannel() == null ) 190 throw new IllegalStateException("You are not connected to any group."); 191 192 IpAddress jgroupsRecAddr = null; 193 if( rAddr != null ) 194 jgroupsRecAddr = 195 convertIpAddressToJGroupsIpAddress( 196 (replica.group.IpAddress)rAddr); 197 try{ 198 logger.info("Sending message {" + message + "}."); 199 200 getChannel().send(null, jgroupsRecAddr, (Serializable)message); 201 } 202 catch(ChannelClosedException e){ 203 throw new CommunicationException("Channel is closed. Look on the root"+ 204 " cause for more information.",e); 205 } 206 catch(ChannelNotConnectedException e){ 207 throw new CommunicationException("Channel not connected. Look on the root"+ 208 " cause for more information.",e); 209 } 210 } 211 212 /*** 213 * Convert an address in non specific implementation to a jgroups 214 * class. 215 * 216 * @param address 217 * @return 218 */ 219 org.jgroups.stack.IpAddress convertIpAddressToJGroupsIpAddress( 220 replica.group.IpAddress address){ 221 // TODO using the same class name is confusing 222 // should revise this. 223 return new org.jgroups.stack.IpAddress( 224 address.getAddress(), 225 address.getPort() ); 226 } 227 228 /*** 229 * Convert an address in jgroups class to an non specific implementation 230 * class. 231 * 232 * @param address 233 * @return 234 */ 235 replica.group.IpAddress convertJGroupsIpAddressToIpAddress( 236 org.jgroups.stack.IpAddress address){ 237 // TODO using the same class name is confusing 238 // should revise this. 239 replica.group.IpAddress repAddr = new replica.group.IpAddress(); 240 repAddr.setAddress( address.getIpAddress() ); 241 repAddr.setPort( address.getPort() ); 242 243 return repAddr; 244 } 245 246 /*** 247 * Short cut method. simply calls #sendMessage(Address, Object) with a null 248 * address. 249 * 250 * @see replica.group.GroupManager#sendMessage(java.lang.Object) 251 */ 252 public void sendMessage(Object message) { 253 sendMessage(null, message); 254 } 255 256 /*** 257 * Sets the name of the group to be managed. You still have to call 258 * joinGroup after setting it's name. 259 * 260 * @see replica.group.GroupManager#setGroupName(java.lang.String) 261 */ 262 public void setGroupName(String groupName) { 263 this.groupName = groupName; 264 } 265 266 /*** 267 * @see replica.group.GroupManager#removeListener(replica.group.event.GroupListener) 268 */ 269 public boolean removeListener(GroupListener listener) { 270 return groupListeneres.remove(listener); 271 } 272 273 /* 274 * ==== GroupListener notify methods ==== 275 */ 276 277 /*** 278 * Notifies GroupListener members that a new message was received. 279 * 280 */ 281 void notifyMessage(Message message){ 282 283 MessageEvent event = new MessageEvent( 284 this, message.getObject(), 285 convertJGroupsIpAddressToIpAddress( 286 (IpAddress)message.getSrc() ) ); 287 288 for (Iterator iter = groupListeneres.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { 289 ((GroupListener) iter.next()).message( event); 290 } 291 } 292 293 /*** 294 * Notifies GroupListener members that view has changed. 295 * 296 * @param view 297 */ 298 void notifyViewChanged(View view){ 299 logger.info("View: {" + view + "}."); 300 301 ViewEvent event = new ViewEvent(this, 302 convertViewListFromJGroups( view ) ); 303 304 for (Iterator iter = groupListeneres.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { 305 ((GroupListener) iter.next()).viewChanged( event); 306 } 307 } 308 309 /*** 310 * Notifies GroupListener members that a suspect message was received. 311 * 312 * @param address 313 */ 314 void notifySuspect(org.jgroups.Address address){ 315 316 SuspectEvent event = new SuspectEvent( this, 317 convertJGroupsIpAddressToIpAddress((IpAddress)address) ); 318 319 for (Iterator iter = groupListeneres.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { 320 ((GroupListener) iter.next()).suspect( event); 321 } 322 } 323 324 /*** 325 * My message listener implementation. 326 * 327 * @author no119431 328 * 329 * To change the template for this generated type comment go to 330 * Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments 331 */ 332 class MyMessageListener implements MessageListener{ 333 334 /* (non-Javadoc) 335 * @see org.jgroups.MessageListener#getState() 336 */ 337 public byte[] getState() { 338 // I'm not interested in this. 339 return null; 340 } 341 342 /*** 343 * Simply calls the notify method on the main class. 344 * 345 * @see org.jgroups.MessageListener#receive(org.jgroups.Message) 346 */ 347 public void receive(Message message) { 348 notifyMessage(message); 349 } 350 351 /* (non-Javadoc) 352 * @see org.jgroups.MessageListener#setState(byte[]) 353 */ 354 public void setState(byte[] arg0) { 355 // I'm not interested in this. 356 } 357 358 } 359 360 /*** 361 * My Membership Listener implementation. 362 * 363 * @author no119431 364 * 365 * To change the template for this generated type comment go to 366 * Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments 367 */ 368 class MyMembershipListener implements MembershipListener{ 369 370 /* (non-Javadoc) 371 * @see org.jgroups.MembershipListener#block() 372 */ 373 public void block() { 374 // TODO Should i do something here? 375 376 } 377 378 /*** 379 * Simply calls the notify method on the main class. 380 * 381 * @see org.jgroups.MembershipListener#suspect(org.jgroups.Address) 382 */ 383 public void suspect(org.jgroups.Address address) { 384 385 notifySuspect( address); 386 } 387 388 /*** 389 * Simply calls the notify method on the main class. 390 * 391 * @see org.jgroups.MembershipListener#viewAccepted(org.jgroups.View) 392 */ 393 public void viewAccepted(View view) { 394 395 notifyViewChanged( view); 396 } 397 398 } 399 /*** 400 * @return 401 */ 402 public ChannelFactory getChannelFactory() { 403 return channelFactory; 404 } 405 406 /*** 407 * @param factory 408 */ 409 public void setChannelFactory(ChannelFactory factory) { 410 channelFactory = factory; 411 } 412 413 /*** 414 * @return 415 */ 416 public String getChannelProperties() { 417 return channelProperties; 418 } 419 420 /*** 421 * @param string 422 */ 423 public void setChannelProperties(String string) { 424 channelProperties = string; 425 } 426 427 public Channel getChannel(){ 428 429 if( channel == null ){ 430 try{ 431 setChannel( 432 getChannelFactory().createChannel( getChannelProperties() ) ); 433 } 434 catch(ChannelException e){ 435 throw new CommunicationException(e); 436 } 437 } 438 439 return channel; 440 } 441 442 public void setChannel(Channel newChannel){ 443 channel = newChannel; 444 } 445 446 /*** 447 * Returns a copy of the list of current group listeners. 448 * 449 * Mostly used for testing. 450 * @return 451 */ 452 public List getGroupListeneres() { 453 return new Vector( groupListeneres ); 454 } 455 456 }

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